Grant W. – Starkville, MS


My name is Grant and I bought a puppy from the Sam/Maggie litter. We named him ‘Crash’  and he is now 11 weeks old. He exhibits all of the qualities that we look for in a puppy. He is intelligent, alert and birdy. He already knows how to sit, stay, lay down and he is housebroken. We have taken him to duck and deer camp and cannot keep him away from the game dressing stations. I can’t wait to start working on retrieves with him. I have include a photo of his first duck hunt and I will keep you updated on his training.

Thank you again,

Grant W.-Starkville,Ms.

Good Afternoon,

I’m sorry that I am so late getting these pictures to you but I have been out of town for the holidays so I’m forwarding these pictures to you from my brother’s email to me. These pictures were taken at our duck camp in Eudora Ar, some of the pictures are a little dark because we were taking them from a pit blind. Crash is an amazing dog and was by far the easiest lab I’ve ever trained. He sleeps in the bed with us every night “on his back with all four feet sprawled out in the air”, he is incredibly obedient and he has never wined. I get nervous when I drive him through the delta because no matter where I stop people walk up to my vehicle and ask where I got him and what kind of dog he is. Crash is calm and quiet until he sees me grab a dummy then he exhibits an endless supply of energy that is unmatched by any lab that I have had before. He has become a great spectacle at my father’s house because we throw the dummies for him from dawn to dusk and he never tires, all of the children around the lake love to watch him leap off of our sea wall and retrieve the dummies. I will send you some more pictures that we have taken while he has been around our home, but these are some good pictures of him in the field. We greatly appreciate every minute that we get to spend with him and we can not thank you enough for helping us add another member to our family!!

Thank You,