Jodi & Kory B. – Bourg, LA


Hey Mark & Melody,

I have been meaning to write you for sometime now to let you know how extremely pleased we are with our dog. He is from the Brook/Sam litter of 2007. He is just over a year old now and has become such an important part of our family. We take him everywhere , and we can because he is so well behaved. We feel like the luckiest lab owners on the planet  to get such a great looking dog with such a laid-back temperament who also retrieves! “Tucker” has it all. He lives to please .  You really do breed perfect well-rounded dogs! We recently joined our Hunting Retriever Club and actually met one of “Tucker’s” half sisters from your Kennel. She is an awesome retriever with lots of drive. I am attaching pictures of “Tucker” so you can see just how handsome he really is. One is a picture of him from his first  birthday with our daughter and the other two are from hunting season with the boys. Thanks again guys for giving us one of the best gifts ever!

Jodi and Kory B.

Bourg, LA